
Summer Schedule is up!

Hey there!

Just posted the majority of my summer dates(there are a few still in the works) over on the Shows page.

Feel free to check out this video of me and Jason Roach at the Louisbourg…

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NSMW 2016

So looking forward to this weekend. Excited to play some tunes at the Celtic Showcase with Jason Roach, Mary Beth Carty, and Steven Wilton:) Saturday at 12:30am.. which I realize is technically Sunday.. but you know what I mean. Tell…

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Live video from The Citadel House

Live video from a recent gig Jason and I had at the Citadel House on October 25, 2015 in Lewisporte, NL.

We had a great few days on the rock!  Thanks to Swirsky's, House of Diamonds Art Centre, and The…Read more


My showcases during Nova Scotia Music Week are as listed above :)

Music Nova Scotia Nomination!

Sooooooooo excited to announce that "Spirit" has been nominated for Traditional/Roots Recording of the Year by Music Nova Scotia!!!!

I'll be posting my showcases during NS Music Week shortly (It runs from Nov. 5-8).

Thanks to everyone who had…Read more

New Review!

Just posted a new review from Irish American News on the Press page.  

Thanks so much Jack Baker for your kind words!!!! :)

Jack is the owner of Rampant Lion Celtic Traders in Villa Park, IL.  If you're like me…Read more

ECMW 2015

Coming up soooo soon!!!! Really excited to be headed to my first East Coast Music Week this year in St. John's, NL.  You can catch myself and some other new artists playing our hearts out on RBC Breakout Stage, April…Read more

Happy Birthday to Me!

Cheers to another year!

My birthday was on the 13th, and I got some good presents! A review of Spirit was in the Cape Breton Post (you can find the text and link to original article under the Press tab)…Read more

Free Track Download

I've added a few more tracks to the player at the bottom of the page.. and made one free to download! The track "Trad. Blast" is fifth in the player, and if you click where it says free on the…Read more

ECMA Showcase

Pumped to announce I'll be showcasing on Breakout Stage at this year's East Coast Music Week in St. John's, NL! It's my first ECMAs and first time on the Rock:)

They should be posting the schedule of events soon at …Read more